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Nasson College Alumni Association
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Website Admin: dawnsweb.net
I was at a real estate closing just last week, May 18th, 2001, reading my favorite relaxing magazine, "Down East," (remember, I grew up in Maine) and there it was -- an article about good ol' Nasson College and a web site.... Well, it took me several days to get to this site but has it ever been fun.... Pictures, names, stories.... And all the time making my brain spin with great memories of such great times, with such great people....
For so long, I have really been out of touch with even my closest of college friends -- Debbie Comstock & Pam Drew.... The happy foursome lost a very good friend about two years ago from cancer, Laura Strong Hokinson.... So, I have never been to a reunion but swear that I will not miss the next....
I live in Oyster Bay, Long Island. A terrific town, a lot like New England. Of course, I have made Joe, (my husband of 16 years, I married late or was just too picky) promise to bury me in Maine.... I have a 15 year old son, Adam. I guess I would like people to know where I am and I would love to find out where you all are....
I have such great memories.... One of my best was the "Toga" parties up at Pryor-Hussey.... Gary Little and Steve? (can't remember his name) I think they both wore pillow cases for their togas.... Needless to say, "What legs".... However, some of the most fun was always getting ready for the parties.... We girls had such great laughs.... Especially watching and listening to Joyce Warschol singing and dancing to those Motown Groups.
Remember Sam & Dave for, I think, a spring week-end??? Also, dancing with Gerry Slavit to "Heard It Through the Grapevine".... such parties on the Hill.... And what about those Friday afternooners.... and rollerdrunks...
Studying for exams at the beach, beach houses, apartment parties, night skiing in New Hampshire for gym credit.... Mid winter break at Waterville Valley in a great house with great people. Fun in Wien with even more great people. Oh Boy. I could go on but have decided not to. I would love to hear from my friends from Nasson.
My four years at Nasson were arguably some of the best of my life! Great times, great friends!
Traveling to Nasson from my home in Hamilton, NY was a nightmare, though. I would get on a bus in Utica, NY @ 5:00 a.m. and get to Springvale on the Michaud bus lines @ 10:00 p.m... but it was worth it! Vic Remey; Barnacle Billy's; the Hill; Bradford House and the dogs, Brad and Shannon; Ding, Wop and Nicky; the Midnight Express; the "party" apartments down by the river; breaking into the Lion's Den... but, by far, my fondest memories are of the Fall '67 Caen Study Group. Millsie, Paul Fibkins, Debbie Garfield, Deb Frost, Beth Green, Margo Jackson, Janet Saxon, "Fresco" Fred Shibi (sp.?); John Frost, Mary Wilde, just to name a few... too many great times to mention. Thoughts of that semester always bring a smile to my face.... I miss you guys!!!!!
The dorms in the small, old houses; the library; the small town of Springvale; the Hickory Pit restaurant in Sanford; going to the rehearsals of the Portland Symphony Orchestra, where Mr. Fichte, chemistry teacher, played clarinet, Mousam Lake and the sailing club.
Friends. Snowing every day for 6 weeks my freshman year. Fried clams. Going to the beach in the middle of winter. Winter Carnival. Mud season. Sand dunes. Running out of heating oil in our dorm during a blizzard, and all of us having to sleep downstairs fully dressed in front of the fireplace. Homecoming. Rollerdrunks. Too many things to mention.
I will never forget my time at Nasson College and the friends I had there. I guess my strongest memories are of my friends: Dave Aston, Judy Swierczk, Jim Demetre, Randy Simon, George Shorter, Joyce Warchol, Hank Greenberg, Rich Sheldon, Harry Redfearn, Jeff Nokes, Dave Daggett, Dave Aston, Rita Bishop, Ron Ortoleva, Roi Tucker, and Joe Goldies.
The events that come back are the parties at the Hill, Homecoming, Winter Carnival, Concerts ("Country Joe and the Fish", "Sam and Dave", "The Blues Project"). I took a trip to Europe with Joe Goldies, Roi Tucker, Joyce Warchol, and others during January break my senior year (1970). We traveled for 21 days and had a blast. I could go on, but those are the things that stick out.
I'm Coordinator of Student Activities at the University of Maine at Machias, so I'm still involved in putting on events like the above. UMM is actually a lot like Nasson and I love working there.
I hope my friends from Nasson are well. Harry and Pat Redfearn and I get together and talk about our time at Nasson from time to time. I have lost contact with everyone else over the years, but would enjoy hearing from my Nasson friends.
Allen Hall with Rick Gamble and Peter "Spider" Ketman, 1966-67.
Study Abroad in Vienna 1968.
Friends in the New Division.
In reading through some of the comments from the Class of '69 following their reunion, many people refer to their experience in the Study Abroad Programs headed by Dr. Strauch as being some of their fondest memories of Nasson.
I caught up with Dr. Strauch a year ago February in Guam where he now lives. I was involved with the Vienna Study Abroad Program reunion in April 2008, and coincidentally, was traveling through Guam just a few months before the reunion
My wife videotaped my meeting with Dr. Strauch in the Guam airport between our flights, and I've since uploaded it to YouTube where it can now be seen by anyone. The video IS archived on You Tube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b8Icj8Gzq6s.
In Fall of '66 when the New Division was started, the New Division #1 wasn't done and we spent a great fall, and cold winter at the Atlantis Hotel. It was bull-dozed for houses in the early '80s (?), but was a great old place at the beach!!! I think some of the "old" vs. "new" division hostility started when on the first day in the fall of '66, at an assembly that ended with "the old division will stay for an explanation of hazing and then dinner at the commons, the new division will board the bus for the beach" (and the fact that we were exempted from the hazing).
Marilyn Bruce-True, class of 1946 died this summer of metastasized breast cancer. She and I met in the early 1970's, and disregarding the generational age difference between us, we became best friends.
Over the next 40 years we managed to do what most friends growing up together do. We discovered that we had both attended Nasson albeit having widely different but happy experiences. We became involved with the alumni association together,worked on capital campaign, and I got to meet some of the women in her class who gladly included me in their circle. Marilyn loved the time she spent at Nasson and her education served her well throughout her life. Marilyn was one of few people who knew about my college years. We shared many life celebrations together and supported each other through difficult times. I will always think of her when I think of Nasson even though she was attending classes there in shorthand and I in biology several decades apart.
I get more emotional these days as I revisit the Nasson site. It was a very special part of my life... the last remnants of adolescence... a time in which all of us questioned who we were and what our purpose was to be. We had opportunities to make life-long friendships... and I regret not having followed through with some. I have no regrets about Nasson, though. For me, it provided a nurturing environment academically and socially with friends and faculty that very much influenced my growth in later years. Bringing us all together, Milt [Mahler], has been a true blessing! Thank you for caring!
These are the links to my two "books." The first is "Lessons Learned" consisting of autobiographical reflections and my "worldly advice:"
This second book will enlighten you about my journey with cancer:
Also, the following two links that represent the project I volunteer on. They are at YouTube:
A Memory Relived - October, 2013
A few weeks ago my long time friend, Barbara (Fenner) Kershaw, and I met in Vermont for a few days of reminiscing about our Nasson days... being roommates in Marland Hall and in the France Study Abroad Program in Caen and then traveling around Europe for a month with Mary White. I was the Maid of Honor in Barbara and Dave Kershaw's ('70) wedding, and she was my Maid of Honor in my wedding to John Foss ('70). All four of us were good friends during our Nasson years together.
Barbara and I have maintained a dear friendship through all these years and continue to meet every once in awhile and email, send cards, and talk on the phone. We have known each other since September 1966. Barbara comes from Hamilton, NY now residing in Oneida, and I am originally from Downeast Maine, Calais. Little did we know that September that two girls from two small towns a few states apart would be friends for so long.What a kick it is to think that we have remained in touch all of these years. We have been there for each other in the good times and the not so good times... and we continue to be there for each other no matter what comes our way. Our experience at Nasson in the late '60's will always be cherished and remain close to our hearts. Many things have changed from 1966 to 2013, but this friendship remains very dear to both of us.
Study abroad program Vienna, Austria 1969........ The flight that had to turn back to NY, was greeted with numerous red flashing lights and departed again that same night. And then, someone refresh my memory, who got stuck in the elevator at the pension? Or Barbara Collins Hurd, remember the big bottle of whiskey on the train station platform?
I enjoyed my time on the Tennis Team.
My favorite memory took place while I was a member of the Study Abroad program from September 1968 until January 1969 at the University of Caen in France. Our group had sailed from New York to Le Havre on the Aureila. We hit a tropical storm and many people aboard got very sick. The voyage took 10 days. Having survived that, we started classes and got acclimated to our surroundings. My first day of classes were very memorable in that when it was time for lunch, we all went to the college's cafeteria. It was raining out, and I had left my hat on. Upon entering the dining area, the students started yelling chapeau (hat). I was not aware they were doing it to me until Gil Poliquin and Dick Prince came running to me to tell me that the students were directing their yelling at me and were throwing bread at me as well. I was never hit by any of the bread thrown in my direction (I guessed that they have terrible throwing arms), and they told me to remove my hat. Once I removed my hat, the noise stopped. I got a quick taste of what you should not do when you enter a building.
Besides Dick and Gil, I have great memories of Pan Priestley, Ruth Simsarian, Chip Bradley, Ken Moore, Dick Copley, Judi Livingston, the Canedy twins, Dick Stevens, Laura Stewart, Pam Dorian, Sara Delahanty, Diane Twomey, my roommate and traveling partner Bill Hardy, all the other members of our group as well as Professor Strauss. All of us were very close and we all stuck together. I remember all of us went to the 24 Hours of Lemans which was held in the fall since they could not hold the race in June because of the strikes that took place during that time. It was one of the most prestigious events that takes place in the world, and I was glad that I had the opportunity to attend it.
Being in France and in Europe really changed my feeling about America. In spite of our country's problems, I realized that as Americans we had more individual freedoms than many of the European countries at that time, especially Spain, Portugal and Greece. I took for granted what freedoms that I had in my country, but when I traveled in these 3 countries, I realized that their citizens were not as lucky as I. At that time these countries had military dictatorships and you could see in the people's faces that they were not happy, and I had to watch what I said in these countries since if you said the wrong thing, you were subject to arrest. Being released on bail did not exist in those countries, and were held as long as the police wanted to hold you. It was a big wake up call for me.
In my opinion the Study Abroad Program was the most educational tool that Nasson had offered. I only wish that the every Nasson student could have experienced it. By the way the Aureila was still sailing as 1997 or 1998. During the summer of one of those years the shipped now called the Romantica caught on fire on a voyage between Lebenon and Cyprus. As far as I know the ship is still laid up in Cyprus. The ship was seen in Michael Palin's (of Monty Python fame) in his series "Pole to Pole" while he was in Cyprus.
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to relive these wonderful memories. I hope the Class of '71 can have a reunion soon even if it is in conjunction with other class years. I was very sorry to miss the reunion in Natick, but I had a family commitment that weekend.
As a Student Trainer with the athletic department, I remember the many trips with the sports teams all over New England. And then there were those cold spring afternoons at Shaw Field with the baseball team.
I remember Dr. Young starting with our freshman year. I was in his 12:00 Western Civilization class. At exactly 12 noon the fire siren in Springvale would go off. As soon as it stopped Dr. Young would say "let's start shall we." There was complete silence and all you could hear was paper rustling and notebooks opening. During his lectures he would digress from time to time and say "Don't take notes, pay attention." But he would never tell you when to start taking notes again. His class was the only class in my four years at Nasson that I never cut. In my senior year I took a 2 credit course in military history, that was held every two weeks at his farmhouse about 15 miles from campus. There was only four of us in the class. We had to prepare ahead of time and go to class with no books. Everything had to be done from memory. We covered the Civil War, World War I, and World War II.
Freshman orientation stands out for a few reasons: Remember the Nasson College Song -
"Oh Nasson College we love you dearly
$3000 we pay you yearly
We go to classes but no one passes
Oh Nasson College we love you.
Drink, drink, drink,
pass the beer around
the God---- place is falling to the ground
the faculty is running all around
Oh Nasson College we love you!"
Remember a bunch of us running off campus to escape the upper classmen and marching back whistling "The Bridge Over River Kwai." Wearing beanies. Getting on our knees in town whenever the upperclassmen yelled AIR RAID and pretending we are shooting at the sky saying "Bang Bang Bang."
My 4 four years at Nasson were the fastest four years of my life. I will always have fond memories of them.
Here's the way I remember it: Off to college 2 weeks after the summer of love. "Sgt Pepper" and "Light my Fire" playing on every stereo in Allen Hall. Beanies, air raids, and dumb-ass signs with our name and hometown hanging around our necks. Half the class clinging to beer mugs, the other half disappearing mysteriously outside to smoke pot. Many of the upper classmen frowned on this latter activity as a sign of the moral breakdown of the younger generation. Some of them came by later to score. Marland Hall panty raid - 6 weeks before you could leave campus - trying to look cool even though we were dorky freshmen. Venturing up to the New D - Hendrix, Joplin, The Grateful Dead. A whole new world. All nighters, Ridge Runs, trying to get some disinterested girl to stay down at the beach with me. (No luck!) Friday afternoon beer bashes. Stumbling to the Dining Commons to choke down dinner. Listening to and suffering through DiMinico and Cavicchio singing Bee Gee's tunes like a couple of drunken Italian sailors with Boston accents. Majoring in math and science avoidance. Jogging around the Quad in our underwear on a bet, runs to Boston on Friday, trying to get some girl to accompany me to Boston (no luck!).
Year 2: Long hair, very political, still playing guitar, The Hilltop House, the "new" Science Center, "Atlantis", playing gigs around Maine, dodging shot glasses in Old Orchard Beach bars that Zafirson got us booked at, late nights trying to talk some girl into coming back to my dorm room after the dance-party-road trip (no luck!). Home for the Summer: Woodstock with Paul Robinson where we actually succeeded in talking some girl(s) into 3 days of peace, love and music. This politically aware crap actually works!
Year 3: Bradford Hall, Editor of the School Paper, everyone lived with their girlfriends, the greatest music in history, Kent State, live for today.
Year 4: Drama Club, Upper Campus, watching friends slip into middle class lives, worrying about what's next, the draft lottery, thinking the younger kids were "really crazy" (esp. Seigel, Ireland and Co.), narrowly escaping marriage, graduation, off to Portland for the Great Hereafter! And that's the truth. More or less.
It's been a few years since I drove by the campus, but I can still remember the rafting on tubes in the spring. What ever happened to Beaver Hill? I remember the dean of admissions lived up there for a few years. It was a great place to see the sun rise and if you were lucky you could see the ocean. Well, I have so many tales to tell. Remember the winter of 1968-69, just a few inches of snow. But the second day the college just closed. We had to ski to the commons for food. After three days the storm finally let up and a few brave souls got to drive up to Sugarloaf. We were paid to shovel, given rooms and ski passes. The drifts were over the telephone poles.
I was at Nasson from 67 to 69, I left after my sophomore year. My memories are fond of those times. Especially playing and singing at "The Better Mousetrap" my freshman year. The friendships were great... my roommates, Peter Kahn, Ken Moore, Tim Kish, and later on Dick Prince... where are all of you? A special hello to Jim Kilbourne, 68, who I have known since I was about 8... Hope you are still alive and well. I live in Coastal NC now, and have been for a while. If anyone wants to contact me, please do... ccbrass@earthlink.net... I would love to hear from some of you, and I would love to come up and see the old place.
My father, Stephen Musgrove, passed away last fall. In going through his papers I found references to Nasson College. I don't know when he attended Nasson, but he graduated from high school in 1967. He graduated from Lenoir-Rhyne College in 1973; masters from NYU in 75; dortorate from S.Cal in 94. I found one or two references to Dad on your alumni site, but no names; thought that some old friends might like to know.
Taylor Musgrove, Maj., USAF (Ret).
(July 10 2008)
I remain very, very much connected to Nasson in mind and spirit... to say that my four years there were a life-changing experience is an understatement. I wish I was in a position to help the Alumni Association financially, but as a Sister, the Vow of Poverty gives me little flexibility. However, please do know that you and the association are in my prayers.
(August 23, 2010)
I have many fond memories of my four years at Nasson (1967-1971). Chief among them was my semester abroad in Caen during the fall of 1968. I relished every moment of my time there, from debarkation on the M.S. Aurelia in New York City to the grand tour after the semester ended with several of my classmates. My wife and I are returning to France in June for a week in Paris and three days in Caen. I intend to retrace my steps at Caen and hope to take a lot of pictures for this site. However, I would like some advice from other Nassonites who spent time in Caen. I stayed in the Hotel du Havre and I know that there were at least 2 other hotels. I cannot recall their names. Can anyone tell me where else we stayed. At the base of the chateau of William the Conqueror there were several bars and bistros that we would frequent for steak, frites & beer. Does anyone recall the names of those and other places that were meaningful to you? We're also going to do the Normandy beaches on our own with a possibility of Bayeux & Mort St. Michel. Professor Strauch took us there on several of our day-trips that were most enjoyable and informative. Thanks for your help.
I was only there a year, but I fondly remember "ridge runs," music of Sam and Dave, Gary Burton, and the Flyin' Burrito Brothers.
(April 15, 2013)
Hanging with friends... making ridge runs... going to the beach. Oh - was I supposed to say something about class??? I remember Nasson as a wonderful small college where everyone was a part of it all. Nothing has looked so sad as Nasson when it was all boarded up in the eighties... at least the campus is being put to good use!
Allen Hall - Dining Hall - The Hilltop - Soft ball games on the quad - Home Coming Weekends - Great Friends - The best 4 years of my life!!!!!
I have only the best memories of Nasson College. I am so glad I had the opportunity to go to a great college, and meet some great people!
Back in 1967, I was met by Cory and Bob at Portland Airport, my "escorts" to the New Division. I was taken on a trip getting to know about the college and the students, becoming so absorbed, I neglected to call home and left my contact lenses in too long, scratching both of my corneas. Kate passed me in the hallway and upon seeing how beet red my eyes were, tried to help me. It was late and dark and we were both tired. I'll always remember her for that. When I finally called home after midnight (that yes, I had arrived safely) my mother was frantic because she hadn't heard from me all day and had no way to get in touch with me. Now that I am a parent, I understand her desperation only too well.
While I was staying at the dormitory overnight, some money was stolen from my room. Annette took up a collection from the students in an attempt to recoup what had been taken. I considered it a good faith effort on her part, a genuine goodness towards a prospective student. So it was, my introduction to Nasson College.
Like everyone, I have many memories of Nasson and the people I met there; too many to list here. I went back to the campus in 1992 before the renovations and hardly recognized it. It is a good feeling to revisit through the Web Site and "keep in touch".
I'd like to use this space to say hello to all who remember me and for being part of what has become in retrospect, a very special time and place in my life and in my heart.
(Later, August 14, 2008): Does anyone remember Paulette Tinker? She would have been in the Class of '71. She was from New York and African-American. The last time I saw her was in the mid-70s when I went to Chicago to visit her. She was very ambitious and doing well at the time. She was pursuing a business career. I searched the internet and came up with a picture of her graduating class of '03 from the Citizens Police Academy of Euless, Texas. I believe that is her third from the left wearing light blue.
We practiced at the Hiltop house and played "Happy Hour" events when no better entertainment was available. Some of our songs were "Back In the USSR," "Piece of My Heart," "White Rabbit," "Nights in White Satin," "Summertime," "Tuesday Afternoon," etc.
We played gigs at Folsom Hall, Forefathers Inn, Old Orchard Beach, Downtown Portland, Sanford High School, Bowdin College, etc.
The Battle of the Bands event was held at the Lewiston Armory and I think we won because we didn't play "In a Gadda Da Vida."
Most of the band's activities occurred during the spring semester of 1969. In 1990, members of the band almost got together for a reunion; they may try to get together in the next millenium!
Only spent one year at Nasson and returned later for a few visits. Still think about all the exploits we had in Allen Hall. Like making a swimming pool in the showers of the dorm.
I've spent a chunk of this day just reading and reading about Nasson. What memories. It's a strange and wonderful feeling. I haven't attended reunions. But all of a sudden, here in cyberspace, I'm feeling like I'm at a reunion. I guess the biggest difference is that I'm sober for this cyber-reunion. Probably wouldn't be if I were to attend...
Some random memories....
Stoney and I attended a party during one fine winter break. Then we got the great idea.... "Hey, why don't we go back to campus and turn on WNCY-FM and play some music?" I still have the audio cassette we recorded that night. (It will probably end up being played at the U-S Senate hearings should he or I ever get nominated to something important. NAAAAAAHHHHHH.... not a chance of either.) I remember our glee when some poor soul from Kennebunk actually called the station and made a request. We couldn't believe it.
We sure had fun with that radio station.... I remember sitting in the Dining Commons rattling a coffee can collecting money to put the station on the air during the second semester in 1970. That summer it all began to come together and I rode in a truck with some nice guy from B&G up to BATH to WJTO which donated our first control board. It was ancient even then... but it sure did work. We lugged the transmitter upstairs that summer, too. And before you knew it we were being heard all over the Mousam River Valley... both on radios and on local folks' TVs!!! Seems our signal, all 10 watts of it, overloaded local TVs' reception of the audio portion of WCSH-TV (little did I know that in 5 years I'd be working for WCSH!) We did our best to install trap filters on the "townies'" TVs... but if I remember correctly, it never really helped very much... We had one helluva group that made it all come together... Mark Lilie, Joe Bartucca, Jim Golden, Marge McCallum, Connie Witherby, Richard D. Levin, Brian Aude, Jake, and dozens more I'm sorry I can't summon all the names right now. Val (?) did the program guide. Bruce Smith, was our engineer... he wasn't attending Nasson, but he might as well have been. Doug Libby, the local radio station guy who helped me get my first real commercial radio job, gave us lotsa advice. Programs ran from stuff from Radio Moscow to "Let's Cook" with Psychology Professor Dr. John Colby Myers to wonderful music... Jimi Hendrix, Led Zeppelin, Sam and Dave, Isaac Hayes, Jazz.... I used to start and end my shows with the soulful sounds of Booker T and the MGs.
I remember one Monday being summoned to President Bailey's office to be chastised about the programming. Over the weekend somebody had decided to play "The Sensuous Woman"... a book we of course all remember... If you can't remember the album, well, suffice it to say it was pretty spicy... just add a little whip cream and hot fudge and you get the picture.... It probably was played on only one radio station in the USA... and that was only once.... I think.
I remember Project Pals... working to help local kids... great parties at the Hilltop House.... meetings of SDS freshman year ('68-'69) as we discussed the War. Many of us discussed the ills of our society with a learned fellow freshman by the name of David Stoller.... I wonder if that was his real name.... We never could figure out why he was at Nasson, since he was at least 10 years older than the rest of us. We devised elaborate conspiracy theories about who he might be. We had some wacky times in Allen Hall, West, 4th floor.... Bob Poss, Ross, Chuck, Jon Rosenthal, Ed Smith, John Danila, Steve Pirie, Glen, Sherman "Hans" Fletcher. Does anybody remember the night Bob ate all the Swedish meatballs at dinner and then didn't feel too well.... YIKES. Some of us have never eaten Swedish meatballs again....
I could go on and on.... (and I guess I already have). I remember Mark Whitehead who ran the Dining Hall.... he sat in with us for Food Committee meetings and was always full of good humor as we suggested ways to improve what was already excellent food.... I remember the little theater being rehabbed... a tribute to the work of Rick Schneider....
I think of Nasson as being one of the best things that ever happened to me and I'm glad it still exists in all of our hearts. As I wander through the campus now I'm full of sadness. But deep down, I wonder if some day, all the wonderful people who made it happen just might make it happen again.
"Preserve your memories, they're all that's left you".... so said Simon and Garfunkel back then. The words resonate for me now, more than ever.
I remember heading out of Springvale on many a Friday afternoon carrying a gray rucksack (the same one my brother had brought home from the Vienna program a few years before) and a "Boston" sign. That was back when hitchhiking was still a viable means of transportation. (Sigh)
I remember coming back into town on Sunday night to find a hot meal waiting at the Dining Commons, complete with make-your-own ice cream sundaes. Life was good.
My friends and I lived in Oak Hall in 1971 - 72. Oak Hall is no longer there (or if it is I can't find it) but it was a cool old house. Most of us were science majors, trying to hang on and hang together to the end. Steve Jacobsen took this picture I believe.
Left to right, and to the best of my memory: Kendall Coolidge, '72, Jane Bombicino Shooer, '72, Bob Shooer, '72, Doug Bertrand, '73, John Taxter, Beth McColgin, John Ferris, '73, Albert Ilges, '72, Al Driscoll (front), Paul Lebo '72 (rear), Bob Perkins, Steve Jacobsen, '73, “Pike” Stevens.
(August 6, 2008)
The most vivid memory is of Freshmen year (1968) when we took over Brown Hall for a few memorable nights. The New Division was being "phased out" and when other Colleges were demonstrating to gain students rights, we were demonstrating to maintain the status quo! Even many of us from the First Division took part in that, sleeping in the halls, dancing to "Sympathy for the Devil" by the Stones till all hours of the night. It is ironic that the "culture" of the New Division, the long hair, bell bottoms, the pot and other drugs that the straighter First Division students had a problem with, would permeate the campus in two short years!
Sophomore year I transferred into the New Division and was asked to coordinate the October Moratorium against the War, were it not for some great help I couldn't have pulled it off! I remember getting hauled into Dean Mac's office because the town officials couldn't believe I had actually applied for a Parade permit and gotten one from the chief of Police. There I was in my Soccer Uniform, we had a game, explaining why I didn't have the permit on me! They had read about the march in the Sanford Tribune. Our small little March went off well, the High School was let out early to prevent the students from marching with "the radicals"! But I had my sources in the School and we car pooled to pick the kids up when school let out. We had speeches and concerts on the Quad. Almost everyone gave up their meals for the day and Slater food service handed me a check for about $1500 that we sent on to Biafra Famine relief!
Sorry.... I'm not able to make the Celebration at Nasson Sept.10. Thanks for the invite. The Little Theatre has always been a fond memory for me and I'm grateful that a handful of hard-working, dedicated fellow alumni are bringing new life back to Nasson's Little Theatre.... and everything else you've done. I look forward to visiting the old home (in it's new state) in the future.
(September 5, 2009)
Shooting pool at the Lion's Den. Jam sessions in Upper One fireside lounge. Parties at the Hill. Working at the radio station. Tossing the Frisbee.
This is a very difficult statement to make. My experiences, friends, faculty and administrators all hold fond memories for me. I will say that one of the more memorable moments was one night while "rebuilding the Hill Top House", all of the "Bradford Boys" showed up and helped. Now that was a sight to see!! Although I would like to think they did this out of the kindness of their hearts, somehow I think it was for the "free admission" they were to receive.
On a more serious note, I do remember the last student council I presided over. Upon its conclusion, all members waited until the motion to adjourn was made, seconded and a show of hands was made. Normally, at the end of the meetings, it was just a "rush" to get out!
I also ran into President Bailey in the elevator in the Athens Hilton a few years back. That was a real rush!! By the way, quite a few of the "Greeks" know of Pres. Bailey and they all got a kick out of the fact that he was President of the college I attended. Small world!!
Oak Hall dorm.
Cross country skiing to campus from my apartment in Sanford, great relationships with faculty members and the great ice cream cones at Shaw's Ridge Farm.
I attended Nasson College from Fall 1969 'til Spring 1971. I was 19 when I entered the freshman class. I've been reading other stories on this site, and several fond memories come back to me - The Fall of '69 was an Indian summer. For a NYC girl, the trees were so beautiful. Everyday they changed just a slight bit from brilliant gold to more brilliant gold. Magic was in the air. One day, somehow, a large group of students go, maybe the whole campus, to a nearby falls - all I can remember is you go left out the front college entrance and then not too far down that road, you go right. After hiking a short way, you come to a deeply dropping stream. We gathered at various points along the stream. Some, or all of us, took our clothes off, without prompting. People jumped into the water, swam, or sat on the rocks, unabashed and free. It was not suggestive or titillating. It was free and respectful and fantastic. It was not sexually exploitative. That's one of my fond memories of Nasson. The beautiful colors of fall and the possibility of freedom and communion with peers.
Ah, it was just 3 weeks after returning home from the first Woodstock Festival. My first day at Nasson College and Allen Hall. I couldn't wait to get rid of my parents. Seventeen years old and the world was full of new colors. John Mayall's "Blues from Laurel Canyon" on the stereo. Yes, it was vinyl and you had to flip it over to play the other side. Then came the attack of the UPPER CLASSMEN. Hazing at Nasson was gasping for its last breath. Do you remember the torrent of sneakers, work boots and cowboy boots which came flying out of the Allen Hall windows at the perpetrators of this arcane ritual? Remember the POM POM gun lameness? Boy, we sure were entering a new era in "HIGHER" education.... That reminds me of my first RIDGE RUN.... Well, maybe another time.
I refer to Nasson as the Las Vegas of Maine. What went on at Nasson, stays at Nasson.
(March 27, 2008)
Went to Nasson from June 1969 (Summer School) through 1972 School Year.Lived in UC2 (ND2) for summer 69 and Marland for first part of 69 School year. Moved into UC2 (ND2) for 1970 year and lived in UC1 (ND1) for 1971/72 year. Left Nasson after that. I found the 1970 student directory in some stored boxes in my house last week. WOW! Back then I was Franceen Eileen Polskin Class of '73. I remember lots and lots of people (so many I can't list here). I've been in contact with one or two. Friends with a couple on FB. I went to the school in my RV last summer and was told by a local resident out raking his leaves (near Bradford) that if I tried to get into the UC area (Pryor Hussey/ND1/ND2) some guy would come after me with a gun! I really want to see those dorms too. Want any and all info I can get - great memories and now that I've retired I have time to reminisce. I went to Woodstock in Aug 69 with several Nasson friends: Steve Bell, somebody Dominici (?), Paul Robinson. Dated "Vulture" Richard Toohey for years - after Nasson - and dated "Dynamite" Richard Finamore while there. Also John Noble. Friends with Stoney, Dusty Curtin & Girlfriend, Mimi Sperber, Tim Carey, Bob Casanova (on FB), Sandy Shipton, Jon Thompson, a girl name "Cree" (Native American), many others, I speak to Richard Toohey quite a bit lately. He is in contact with Richard Prince. Remember the "Head Shop" on Main Street? Owned by Larry Carpenter and Don Greenglass (?). I could write on for a very long time........
(March 30, 2016)
Caen '72, Project Pals, Da Swamp, the Husseys.
4th floor Folsom. Pinochle with Buck, Emmy and Mulligan.
The fall of '71 in Caen. Toujours chambre six!
Scotty's political science class, working at the radio station, performing at the Lion's Den coffeehouses with Charlie Chiarchiaro and Mark Pierson, eating......
Allen Hall, the coffeehouse, the Lion's Den, playing music up at 2D with Dana Atanian and Mark Pierce (we called ourselves "Down River"), concerts at the Hill (Flying Burrito Brothers and Little Feat), all the friends I made and never kept, Webster Chou climbing up the outside of the dorm to Vinnie Harpham's room and scaring the shit out of her, the party at the Footbridge Beach in Ogunquit where many cars came with many people and many left with only a few, leaving many stranded and trying to get back to Nasson and the local cops saying (in that Maine accent we all came to love -- ayuh) "We want you kids to get outta heah".
Eating fresh apples in the orchard near hilltop house every September.
Too many to mention. Probably the bet times of my life. Still best friends with Hank Volin, the first person I met at Nasson.
Memories?... my room-mate, Ana, sitting in my yellow rocking chair, scented candles burning all around her, listening to the Beatles' "Yesterday"... playing field hockey my Freshman and Sophomore years on a team that couldn't score any goals, (and could rarely stop any from being scored against us)... French class with Mr. LaPlante... late nights writing sociology papers, crumbled paper all over the floor as I tried to get my thoughts organized... Snow piled so high along the walkway that we couldn't see around the corners, (I live in Mississippi now, so that's a memory I enjoy sharing with my friends here because they can't imagine it)... one too many drinking games in the Upper Campus dorms... the wild and crazy boys of Bradford House '72... co-ed volleyball games... Nasson's hockey team that had to play in outdoor rinks... dinner time socializing in the dining commons, sitting there from the time the doors opened until closing time... snow sculptures from Homecoming...my first apartment, overlooking Main St. in Springvale, (I thought it was wonderful; my parents feared it was a fire trap)... having some wonderful and special times, with some wonderful and special friends. (It's been 24 years since I graduated, but most of us are still in touch).
Friends, Caen "71", Monday Nite football at the Vincents with Bob and Gerry. Nasson College Rifle Team. Keeping the stats for the basketball team. The Hill, and trying to get back to the dorm. Recently found Gerry Campana "74" down in Maryland where our two families got together, was like we never had departed ways for so many years.
Where to start? The hill for "orientation" and the first big event!! Didn't drink rum again for years!! George L., Bob H., Bob G., Rick. The 65 VW that I kept borrowing to head north. Pam, Liz, Alice, Barb!! Peter, Mark, Phil. Scurlock! The "Hussey's". Da Swamp. Flag football against Bradford. Practice in the "hockey Rink". Bob's "mail Truck". Late night Hot Dogs and Fries. Late night trips to Boston for breakfast and a quickie to Scarsdale NY to close the Candlelight Bar. The "profs". The theater. The "Greek Dance". The "50's" will never die! The friends who became my family. Not wanting to go home for the summer. The ambivalence of graduation!! The vacation at the "Beach House". The non-stop music running through my head!! The warmth of the memories! I know it's been said but the truth is in fact the truth --- the best 4 years of my life.
I recall the late nights playing "Name That Tissue" with a microscope projector for any and all of Dr. Ciullo's Histology exams. Then there were the various diseases we brought home from microbiology labs and my famous coffee that earned the title "Rudest Brew" but most effective for exam preparation. Orientation week 1970 brought "Night of the Living Dead" to the outside wall of the Anderson Learning Center and planter's punch to the hill.
There was an ever eclectic collection of vehicles all over campus from my 1930 Harley to Lotus Europas and Jim Foley's Sunbeam Tiger. There was the ever declining menu at the dining commons that went from steak in 1970 to spam in 1974: I loved it all. As for food, Web Chou was always cooking up gourmet dishes that rival a 5 star restaurant on a hot plate in the dorm.
Then there was the time we put Dave Cahoun's car in the basement of Glidden Hall and managed to hide it from B&G with a piano. The Little Theatre proved time and again that there was some real talent on campus some of whom have continued in theater to form their own professional companies or to act on stage and on film.
Many warm evenings (were there many?) were spent on the roof at Glidden as yearbook pictures will testify.Canoe trips down the Saco river were a great way to get away without having to go too far. I actually used a judo move that Dean Mac taught us in PE to thwart an armed mugger in Philadelphia! I don't know who was more surprise: me or the mugger.
Hello. My sister went to Nasson in the 1970's. I think she graduated in '71 or '72. [class of 1974] She is deceased [October 1, 2000], and did not register as an alumni. Is there a way to search the records of graduates or of some of you who might remember? Her name is Shelagh Wallace; she married David Drouin for a brief time.
Thank you. Jill Wallace
(October 1, 2008)
I went to Nasson from '72-'74. My fondest memories are of the Parties at the Hilltop and trips to Stop N' Go. I was probably known for the animals that followed me, and the carpeting that my parents were forced to replace by the "boo-boo's' left by those animals. My best friend, Heidi Hurwitz and I, were the animal rescuers of Upper Campus One. Whatever didn't live in my room, hopped or walked on four legs down the hall to her room.
(March 18, 2010)
Susan Kantor Thomas graduated from Nasson College in 1974. Her husband, Stewart, asked me to write a brief introduction and I am honored to do so. Unfortunately Susan died on September 5th in London after a brave fight against an aggressive brain tumor, discovered 15 months ago.
Susan and I were roommates at Nasson College with the exception of the year 1973 when she attended LSE in London. Susan's love of Government and Stewart took her to England that year where her accomplishments continued following their marriage in the summer of 1974.
Susan's years at Nasson College were memorable to all who knew her. Whatever Susan put her mind to became of the utmost importance and special to those around her. She embraced her major of Government, loved the debates in Dr. Young's classes and read the entire New York Times newspaper every Sunday morning.
I remember Susan telling me about Project Pals, and how we should look into it and get involved. With dedication and never a missed activity or event, Susan brought enthusiasm along with a sense of calm and happiness to the children of Springvale and Sanford who had very little of their own.
Susan's graduation quote reflects how she felt and viewed the world then and throughout her life: “Man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself. Everyman is in possession of himself and responsible not only for his own individuality, but responsible for all men.” Jean-Paul Sartres
Susan's life following Nasson College is and was remarkable as she went on to have a distinguished career in Human Resources in Britain. She became Director of Personnel in Lewisham, a borough of London; President of the National Society of Chief Personnel Officers and Director-General at the Department for Education and Skills in the National Government. In all these posts she modernized the approach to equality and diversity.
Susan and I remained friends for 41 years. She was my very best friend and, truth be told, she had many best friends with women from all over the world.