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1975 to 1979
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[1975 to 1979] [1980 to 1986]
Nasson College Alumni Association
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Hilltop Halloween '73, annual snowball fights during first snowfall (Bradford vs. Folsom II '71), Nasson vs. St. Francis baseball game in '72 or '73 (We - 50, They - 0), Upper I keg party '71 (anyone remember a tall, thin shorthair guy in a corner with an empty bottle of Gordon's Vodka?), rowdy basketball games of '73 - '74 season, (O'Dell, Wells, Pike, Belanger, Belbel, O'Donell), Marland Hall first floor antics, February '74 heat wave - Streaker Craze! (Cover of Portland Herald displayed a large photo of Paul Bilsky, Jack Reich, and Steve ? streaking away from camera across Quad toward Marland with myself and friends in lawn chairs on roof of center entrance to Marland in far background), beach parties at Ogunquit Footbridge (before dunes were graded and replanted), Dizzy Gillespie and Jonathon Edwards concerts, Dr. Claudius Gilmore, Fitz, and of course my friend, roommate, and the most famous student at Nasson in those years, Bruce J. Katz!! I could write a book on the antics in Folsom II from my freshman year alone!!
What a blur! But I had some great friends and good times in 71-72. Ignoring the more sordid experiences of the time, I often recall Dr. Senning's History class with his perfect outlines and lectures. Dick Cassin and I would go into the sensory deprivation lab in the Psych dept and study for exams, which we routinely aced. I was also the first basketball and hockey play-by-play guy on the then brand-new WNCY. As a Southern Californian, I knew nothing about hockey, but did a good Chick Hearn imitation as the Lions lost most games -- several ending in fights. The guy who did the "color", Bill Hudson, I think, was killed skiing that year. It's fun to remember.
... tap dancing with Ruth Edwards in the class of '75 talent show at the Hilltop House.
... tap dancing with Jennifer Robinson in the class of '75 talent show at the Hilltop House.
Barely survived my three years at Camp Nasson from '72 to '75. My fondest memories were from the trip to France with Robert Mood, Bootin Bill, Mark Taylor and others. Trashed the ugly American concept as we went to Amsterdam, Belgium and didn't get arrested. I can remember that my coordinator wrote a letter to the school system suggesting that I might not make a good teacher.
Twenty-six years later, I am still teaching at the local high school and have been running a drug treatment on demand program in Lawrence, Mass. Who would have believed it! Also saying hello to Chatty whom I still need to make amends....
I attended Nasson College from 1971 to 1973. My favorite memory was my first impression of the School. I was being interviewed by William Hoag, the Dean of Admissions. Dean Hoag was wearing a corduroy jacket with leather patches on the elbows. He had sideburns. He might have even had a pipe in his hand. If I hadn't known better, I might have thought I was interviewing at Yale or maybe Princeton. Meanwhile, My dad was sitting in the waiting room with checkbook open and pen in hand silently praying that this school would take his only son. Hoag quietly looked over my transcript. He took his time. A long time. Then he spoke. "James," he said, "College isn't for everybody." I got in anyway.
Though I attended Nasson for only 2 years, transferring to UNH, my memories there are some of my fondest from college. My first of many adopted stray dogs, "Hobo. Great bike rides through the woods. Black and white photography. Playing drums in a warm up band for NRBQ. A lot of love crushes. A healthy but harmless dose of drugs. Feeling grown up in upper campus. And a talented and caring staff of teachers.
I attended Nasson only in my Senior year. I had to complete 36 credits to graduate. I was one of only two married students in the school at the time. The other was a mature lady of about 36 with several children at home. At the beginning of second semester, I discovered I was pregnant and graduated 6 mos. pregnant. I recall the odd looks and whispers during the time the parents were on campus. My good friend Kathy Carney said in a very loud voice at the parents dinner, "My God, Sheila, what are you going to do now. No one will hire you in that condition!" This caused a flurry of shocked looks and whispers on the parts of the parents near by while their children hurriedly explained that I was in fact married.
I also recall that Nasson was a gin drinking school. I went to a Senior party and the whole place reeked of gin. They managed to find the one bottle of vodka amid the thirty bottles of gin so I could have a drink!
Let it be said he was a member of the small group who continued meeting every Homecoming from 1983 to 1996 after the College Closed. He was a driving force in the creation of the Nasson Heritage Center as well as the revitalization of the Nasson College Alumni Association. He purchased the 400 stamps for the very first mailing which announced to all the alumni (whose addresses we could find) " We Have a Home, Nasson Alumni coming home. Space in Anderson for new headquarters." He was the first editor of new The Nasson News producing the paper with software and printers he purchased out of his own pocket. He will be missed.
(May 1, 2008)
Here are my memories:
My memory is not the best due to quite a bit of party times at Nasson, but I loved that place and the people, so here goes. Paul Bilsky was the first person I met and he helped me get used to being away from home - a great friend. I remember taking Astronomy and going to The Hill at The Hilltop to gaze at stars with the prof. and classmates at night. The beer parties at The Hill were awesome. I remember seeing The Doobie Bros. and a few other good bands up there. Billy Kreiner had something to do with the kegs. He was my pal. I still think of him today and miss being in touch. Ikey, Josette, Barb, Ruby MacDonald, Deglon, Craig, Lainey, playing Basketball with some awesome girls. All good. I, too, went to France. What a great time there. I remember Bo always smoking a pipe, handsome Jeff Handy, Kathy (last names?), the bar where I learned about Pernod Verde. Thank god for Debbie Deglon as she helped me pass the courses. She spoke French, I didn't. Amsterdam, Belgium, the Chateaus, the cheese, the wine... I know I didn't know how lucky I was.
I rented an apt. Over the Springdale General Store. My Dad sent me $33 a month as the rent was $125 and we split it 4 ways. It was the best. Ikey, Barb, Josette, me, then Maryann Cody and Debbie Lyman. (can't believe I am remembering last names). I loved Mrs. Vincent, the French teacher, and Dr.Tilton and her Psych. classes that took place in this house where we got into some interesting things. I can see faces but can't remember names. Fred Parent was a good Sociology prof. too. And of course, Kathy Ranney Stewart, my coach - I adored her.
I loved the snow. I first lived in Pryor Hussey (what a weird name for a dorm). Brooke Prentice was my first roommate. I liked the dorm. I especially liked Upper 1 & 2. Stuff was going on up there and I was into it. How about the trek through the woods to get to "The Leaps"? We swam there, jumped off huge rocks, and played. I tied my 6 pack to rocks in the stream to keep it cold while I played there. It was a beautiful place. I probably could never find it now.
I could go on for days. Thanks for letting me ramble. I almost went to American University and am glad I didn't. My days at Nasson were priceless....
(November 19, 2011)
I only attended Nasson College for my freshman year, but it was certainly a fun one. Bike riding all over the place, fresh apples in the fall, poker games in Craig's room on the "boy's side" of the dorm, nightly snow ball fights waiting for that snack truck that came to the dorm every night. Lots and lots of shooting pool in the Lions Den and way too many hours watching Seth and "Oz" whack at the pinball machines. I remember during my first week there we found a somewhat tame raccoon in the woods and it followed us back to campus. We kept it in the dorm for a couple of days until it got nasty over ownership of a BLT sandwich and we returned it to the wild, only to have it return again and again to other dorms. My room mate, Marilyn Wong, was incredibly tolerant. Hiking in the mountains of New Hampshire and a whole lot of stratego games with Diederick. Oh yeah, classes.... I loved Professor Young and his history class. He made history come alive and I don't think I ever missed a class. There's something so special about your freshman year in college and I am so glad I spent it at Nasson. I transferred to the University of Florida where my student number went from "9" to my social security number. What a difference. I was so sorry to learn of the schools demise. Oh yeah, seems there was this little bar in Sanford where I had my first gin and tonic.... Some things never change.
I attended Nasson College " Camp Nasson in the Pines" from Sept. '71 through May '76. I had a fairly serious auto accident in Jan. '74, which prevented me from attending the second semester that year. In the fall of 1975 I had enough credits to graduate but chose to participate in the Vienna Study abroad program. Professor Herberger and his wife were chaperones that year. That was a great memory and I still keep in touch with Lance Cartwright '76 from that trip. But I do remember Judy Foote and Louise ?? as well. Peter Yandl (we played tennis together) was our contact from the Vienna area and memories of the "Lawyers Ball" in Vienna are still with me. Our side trips by bus to Italy for a week and Scladming for skiing, countless vineyards, and churches were a definite highlight, as well the famous Hotel Rathaus , Langegasse Drietzein (spelling). Many memories flood back from the Freshman orientation week ( Night of the Living Dead on the library wall) and a whole new world opened up to this, then 17 yr old!! Folsom II third floor was definitely the hub of student government activity. John Moraites Pres, Rick Levine, Social Chairman( tragically killed in NYC years later), Paul Bilsky and a host of upperclassmen got us involved with the rebuilding of the Hilltop House (Flavored Air anyone?). Sophomore year at Marland Hall( over The Lion's Den) was another year of antics with Bruce Tanner, David Bailey, Amy Laufer, Debbie Deglin. The Nasson College Band , the rifle team, the tennis club. Junior year with the Election Committee (Kip Draper and I had the highest vote turnout in college history) and "Scotty" Merrow's Government classes, also Gary Levine (Rick's younger brother) and Sue Kimball( of Portland television fame) were friends. Also the Cold War Seminar of Wescott Merrow taught senior year with Peter "Hat" Stewart among others in that class was terrific. That led to an internship with Congressman Dave Emery and my brief political career was launched. Some fond memories of Nasson College still linger. Glad to see someone is trying to keep it alive I now live in New Hampshire and own an insurance agency. I have been married (second time) for almost 10 years and have 4 children total.
The night Crae Romaine almost convinced me that church was really a McDonalds... Bruce Burris' chair sculptures in the basement of Allan Hall "I think I'll call it 'Cow'"... Dick Simpson, Phi Betch Your Crazy too, Craig Dutra, the RA from Heaven... Vienna in 76 with Rich, Cass Rick, Hank and Merrill and Josef at the Bar...
As a freshman and sophmore, hanging with the mafia gang (class of 1974)-- Al Lake, Bob Vincent, Gerry Gampana, John Romano). As a junior and senior, living on the ridge with Linda K, doing ridge runs, bumper hitching, walking to Deering Pond, having professors Dr. Cantor and Ted Scontras & family over for cook outs, Pat Church streaking on the quad when the fire dept. turned on their lights, being best friends with Linda K., Craig Gable, Dave Plorcharczyk, & Tricia Ritchie.
Looking at the photos and reading about the happenings that were, and in many ways will always be, 'our' Nasson College brings mixed pride and sadness. My time at Nasson was so wonderful and important to me. There was a special sense of community that gave me a chance to mature and be challenged -- that set the stage for success for so many years since I graduated in 1976.
All of them!
Horseshoes at Oak
Dances at the Hill
Canoe racing on snow at the Hill
Streaking on the quad
Baseball games
Hockey games
Stealing the St. Francis College sign
Sunday brunch at the DC
Being part of the Nasson community and the beautiful, peaceful surroundings. (I live in NJ.) It was a time like no other.
One night three of us walked to the pond behind Upper II to watch the moon rise and there was a bull moose drinking from the water when we got there. Beautiful!
Favorite memory: The many nights atop Brown Hall at WNCY - "The Voice of the Mousam River Valley."
Hi, Glad to see so many new names in the directory. I hope that many more continue to appear. Keep up the good work.
My favorite memories would be too many to list. The two years spent at Nasson were two of the best years of my life. I had the pleasure of living in Glidden Hall. I was lucky enough to fall in with best bunch of guys one could hope for. Hanging out with Bill Deming, Sandy Carder, Nate Friend, Ben Davis, Merrill Robbins, Jeff Lyons, and Rob Mory was great.
So many intramural sporting events, so many nights at "the Hill", so many nights having a few too many beers at Glidden, Bradford and everywhere. Nasson was a perfect small college for me and provided me with many memories which will hopefully last a lifetime.
I was at nasson on 1975-1976, Trotta and Miguel were across the hall
(October 13, 2008)
Four years of great times (73-77). In short: B-ball, all my friends from Pryor-Hussey, Ed, Jr.,Munce, King, road trips, Hilltop followed by stop and blow dogs, panty raids, ropeswing, streaking, NH runs. And alot more that, of course, I would never admit to now in case my daughter ever reads this. They were great times - I hope you are all well.
People, friends and the beautiful state of Maine.
i so love reading about all of the nasson happenings, my memories are some of the nicest moments of my life - when i read through the website i find myself getting lost and for a few moments i'm 20 something! How sad to learn of the death of kip - does anyone know where he was living and what he had done after he left Nasson - i remember him driving everywhere in his car - does anyone else? I'd love to hear from anyone out their in cyberland - and while under most circumstances i protest the computer it certainly has been a nice way to drift back to maine. thanks for these memories.
Special friends, teachers, D-Day, science labs, orientation hike thru Moosic Notch, study hard - party hard, shooting photos for the yearbook, long hours developing those photos, WNCY Sunday morning 1st show, autumn in Maine, tea from the Chemistry stock room, hanging in the science library, enjoying the experience...
I loved everything about Nasson -- Hilltop House was the best. I miss my friend Hank.
Great nights at the Hilltop House / the rope tow / the coffee house movie nights / hiking in the white mountains with Grids / ski team training at Mt. Whittier and missing lots of class to do it / surfing, fishing, playing hard. We never let schooling get in the way of having a great time and we still got a great education!! It was a great place.
Not knowing the school had been closed, my wife, Donna and I drove from N.J. one Sept. day expecting to stop in on Homecoming or visit the campus. I had told her about all the great times and people at Nasson. As I drove past the college I was stunned at the sight of closed and boarded up buildings, knee high weeds and keep out signs. After prowling around (ignoring the keep out signs) I got the story from one of the old B+G guys who was kept on to check doors. What a heartbreak!!
Even in New Jersey, I still bump into some Nasson buddies once or twice a year and the place lives on in our hearts and memories.
Of course my favorite memories was playing hockey at Nasson. Winning our division my senior year in 1977! At 44, I am still playing in a senior league. I have two children -- Rachel, just turned 6 and Gregg will be 2 on May 1st. I started late! Would love to hear from anyone that went to Nasson.
(Several years later Mark added):
Of course the best is our hockey team winning the Div 3 Title in 77. Hard to believe we are now 48 years old as I write this 3/23/03.
(Added on April 13, 2009):
Wow!! Writing 4/13/09. Almost 54 years old now. Still working at Stop & Shop office in Quincy, MA, putting in many more hours than normal. With the economy the way it is - just glad to be working for a strong company. My daughter Rachel is now 15 and my son Gregg is turning 11 in May. As I stated before had kids much later than most couples do. Gregg is taking after me in being a Goaltender. The quality of ice hockey at this young age in incredible - very competitive and very expensive for the parents between equipment and league fees. I am still hanging in there myself playing in senior leagues, but most players are 10 to 20 years younger than I am. Would love to hear from anyone on how they are doing.
All the best, Mark Selbert
Stop & Shop/Giant Household/Baby
Phone: 617-689-4109
E-mail: mselbert@stopandshop.com
(Added on September 28, 2011):
Writing this Wed Sept. 28th, 2011. I am now 56 yrs old. My daughter is 17 - born in 1994 - one more yr of HS then off to college next yr. Hopefully Holy Cross is her first choice - tough to get in there. My son is now 13. Yes we started late. Got married in '86 to a Quincy, MA girl. I have a FB page and would love to hear from everybody that would like to say hello. Still playing goal but my knees have alot of arthritis so not too far away from getting knee replacements in the near future. I do have some short term memory issues I am trying to deal with - this is because of having MS back in 98/99.
All The Best To Everyone
Anyone know where Professor Peter Poor is? The man treated me like a younger brother during my years at Nasson. I owe him so much, and the same could be said for DeLong, Massaro and Senning. What an extraordinary group of caring faculty we had at Nasson.
(April 3, 2008)
Camp Nasson in the Pines!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(September 19, 2008)
Putting the fish "squares" in the suggestion box in the cafeteria. Trying to study at night in the dorms and finally giving up and partying with everyone else. Dr. Ken Stuart in his too short polyester bellbottom pants covered with chalk sitting on the window sill discussing experimental psych.
Ahh Nasson in the Clouds. So many great memories. Vienna Program in 1976 was the absolute best experience. Life at Pension Rathouse with Rich, Cass, Barnaby and everyone else. Re-enacting the "Coconuts" scenes from the Monty Python's Holy Grail at an an actual castle. Life at Allan Hall with Chip, Moy, Rich (Riche), Bruce, Bob, Mark, Cass, Crae and everybody. Bruce and I attempting to read the news on WNCY after a rather intense afternoon of "herbal" therapy. D-Day on the Quad. Great music at the Hilltop: Bozo Rock Opera, Roomful of Blues, NRBQ, Tom Rush, Pousette-Dart Band - man, we had some pretty good music. Halloweens at the Hilltop House. I was only there two years but it was filled with a lifetime of memories. Phi Betcha Your Crazy Too!
I attended Nasson for only the 1974/75 school year mainly because my father paid a surprise visit to Allen Hall and was well aware of what that smell was. I am still surprised that he didn't yank me right then. I suppose he would have if he had shown up the day the the smoke grenade went off filling the first floor with green smoke and burning a hole in the hallway carpet. I think I will wait before I tell my boys that story.
I have so many wonderful memories of Nasson, here are a few. I can recall some of us planning our class schedules so that we would have Wednesdays off to go skiing at Sunday River. With a student ID lift tickets were $3.00 and no lift lines. Seeing The Blend play at the Hill was always great. And how cool was Professors Aello’s Small Business Class that met at his house on Tuesday evenings with beer and pizza often being served. Learning to be green 30 years before it was trendy. Nasson College may have closed in 1983 but it will remain alive and well in our hearts forever!
(December 4, 2008)
The memories of Marland Hall. My pals: Bob Reilly, "Nub" Hoobler, Scott Summers, Bruce Katz to name a few. Cooking lobsters on a hot plate burner in Marland Hall. Making the Friday afternoon liquor run to the NH state liquor store in Portsmouth.
Nasson was a tight community. We all watched out for each other. Many many wonderful memories. Can't really pinpoint one.
Thanks, Bill Trask
God... Where do I start? What a wonderful experience in a beautiful state. Hockey games, Ridge-Runs, The Hilltop House, Upper Zoo II, Bee's, Washington Square and Great People.... Need I say more? I hope you're all well...
My name is Jim Riddel and I attended Nasson College from 1976-1978 before transferring to the University of Maryland. My fondest memories are that I met my first boyfriend while I was at Nasson, and stayed in touch with him until his recent death in 2004. I remember loving the winter and all the snow. Listening to Fleetwood Mac blaring from Marland Hall, sitting on the Quad and just running my mouth. In that time being so young and realizing that one was gay, in such a small community was very difficult. However, Nasson gave me the chance to embark along a very successful academic career leading to my Ph.D.
I will be ever grateful for the chance Nasson gave me to go to college. I loved hitchhiking to the beach, and I loved Project Pals, and the important work that club did. It was such a great privilege to participate in the lives of those kids. I also loved my job in the library. That experience got me another job in the library at the University of Maryland, leading to my first job working in a library for a law firm in Washington DC, before I started graduate school - It all started at Nasson - Thank you !
Jim Riddel, RN, Ph.D(c) CPNP
Pediatric Nurse Practitioner
Children's Hospital and Research Center Oakland
Assistant Clinical Professor
University of California, San Francisco James Riddel, RN, CPNP
Division of Hematology
Children's Hospital Oakland
Fax 510-597-7189
(September 15, 2008)
(New Zealand): Little Theatre pictures look great. Mark Hoffman has also been sending me some pictures. Unfortunately, I am on tour with U2 at the moment, and we will be in Foxborough, MA setting up during this time. We had lots of fun in that theater during my Nasson days, and one summer doing summer stock with Richard Ganci, quite a lot of fun. Good on everyone for taking up the plight of the Little Theater. Congratulations for what looks like a great job. I hope to pass by one day soon. I live in New Zealand now (married one) but we will be spending Christmas in Lubec (Maine) where I lived for some 18 years, and I hope to pass by Springvale on the way up.
(September 1, 2009)
Tremendous people who loved to have fun, especially GLIDDEN! How about those sessions where we'd get 10 people,$2.00 each and get baked before some party at the hill. Or when those freshman guys in upper two opened up that after hours bar -- Reflections. It was a great little bar with cheap prices and "good rave." The dean shut it down pretty quick. Too bad. It was a blast.
Scruff 1979
(Later added):
3 years in GLIDDEN HALL! I think Bump Rockwood said it all. (See his story.) I still think of JIM TOBY anytime Sugar Mt. comes on. I try not to think of Heart and Soul.
I remember hiding in the attic of Glidden at 5:00 am while the Col. and the cops searched the dorm for the "people" who had been singing on the roof top. The same night some kid from Pryor Hussey fell off our roof and was saved by the branches of the tree out front. More later.
How about some other stories from 75-79?
Thank you NASSON
How about D-day 1978 when the magician was passing out hand rolled cigarettes. Then we showed refer madness at upper. Or how about that tough kid... Johnny Digiacomo. I think it was spring 1976 intramurals. His team was down 3 with a few seconds left. He is at the foul line for 2 shots. He hits the first. Then intentionally bounces the second off the rim and back in his hands and puts it back in. The worst thing is his Bradford team beat Glidden. The Glidden team had Rob Money, Sandy Carter, and Nate Friend. Bradford would defeat our Glidden team two years later.
The Hill!
The Vienna Study Abroad Program
Kim and Jan-boy!
Cross-country skiing at Shaws Ridge. Walks at Deering Pond and Kennebunkport. All my friends at Glidden Hall. Ranks up there as the best four years of my life so far!
Every day at Nasson was, to me, a favorite memory, but the one I think of often is the slumber parties at Folsom Hall in, I think it was 1977 or it could have been 1978. We partied like crazy, totally over indulged, and played games. B&G helped with mattresses and the barbecue, the D.C. gave us food for 30, Colonial came and Dean Wurthner stopped in to see what was up. We were in pajamas. What a trip it was. About 30 people slept over and I think it was the Bluegrass Festival because one of the bands was sleeping over too. Weird to go back and how I would love to have a slumber party now but all my friends (Nasson or otherwise) would be asleep by 10:00 and their kids would stay up.
We are starting to plan a 30th reunion for the class of 1979. Any help with addresses and ideas would be welcome.
Peter N. Muncey, Jr., Esq.
Delaney & Muncey, P.C.
38 Resnik Road,
Plymouth, MA 02360
Telephone 508-746-2200 Fax 508-830-0917
(August 2, 2008)